Writing from Go Between
A collection of helpful resources, stories, and "room temperature" takes like, listening to synthwave music will 10x your teams output.
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Pitching the Refactor
It's hard to communicate the value of deeply technical, but deeply important maintenance work. Try these two strategies instead of covering the work in technobabble and hoping for the best.
Slack Development Lessons - Part 2
Insights and takeaways from creating a Slack app that balances simplicity and interactivity.
Fall '24 Recap
From welcoming a new Go Between family member to rethinking how we work together, Fall 2024 pushed us to adapt in ways both planned and unexpected.
Sunk Cost
What do the up arrow on your keyboard, unplanned refactors, and git rebase have in common? Heartache.
Software in the Winter
Yet another metaphor for software engineering; also includes difficult-to-follow advice!
Slack Development Lessons - Part 1
The top three lessons from our Slack app prototyping journey, including insights into rapid development, Ruby's ecosystem for Slack, and overcoming workflow constraints in a unique environment.
Marginal for Slack
Enjoy an in depth look at how Go Between pitches new product and feature ideas.
Building an Audience
Wondering how to become a juggernaut of professional social media? Us too.
Advice can be tricky; here are thoughts on what it means to give it. Before you ask, I do understand irony.
Culture and Code: The Hidden Parallels
Drawing comparisons between organizational culture and software system design, this article sheds light on the shared challenges and opportunities in maintaining these vital aspects over time..
Company Culture: All Hype or Actually Worthwhile
Every company has a culture, but is it working for or against you? Learn how to identify, influence, and enhance your team's culture for better collaboration, effectiveness, and satisfaction.
Feeding Our Hungry Followers
We’ve made it even easier to stay connected with our content by adding an RSS feed! In this post, we share how we set it up, what we learned along the way, and why RSS might be a great addition to your own website.
Marginal Improvements
It's time to kick of a new product cycle! In this post we'll outline how we plan to spend the next six weeks re-imagining Marginal as a Slack plugin.
Working in Cycles
What if those waterfall folks weren't entirely wrong? Working in six week cycles can help manage the complex process of delivering value in complex systems.
Our second product. Our long journey to build a small CRUD application and the importance of the "here's how it works: 1-2-3."
Lessons in Consulting - Part 3
There are many ways to earn a paycheck in this world. Wouldn't you like to get more than just financial rewards from your job?
Summer '24 Recap
A 'Slow Productivity' book club discussion at our most recent Summit has once again changed our conception and execution of how we work as a small company with limited resources.
Lessons in Consulting - Part 2
Before diving into freelance or small team consulting, it's worth considering a few of the potential drawbacks inherent in this style of work to ensure it will be a good long term fit for your personality and lifestyle.
The Go Between Summit
This post talks about why we think it's important to get together in person as a remote company and includes a recap of our most recent in person Summit.
Lessons in Consulting - Part 1
Thinking about starting your own freelance or small team consulting business? These tips will help you navigate this decision and get started on the right path.
Software Engineering for the Present & Future
Do you feel like you're pushing out one tangled pile of software after another? Or, fouled by experience with spaghetti code, do you endlessly polish, searching for that future-proof metaphor? Both roads lead to headache.
The Right Kind of Lazy
Too often we take short cuts that hurt the overall effectiveness of our teams. Instead lets start being lazy in ways that improve the efficiency and quality of our work!
Effective Context Switching
Ever have trouble bouncing between the tasks competing for your attention throughout the work day?
Pull Request Structure
Tired of your pull requests wilting in the open without attention? Ever wonder why getting a PR review from your coworkers is harder than pulling weeds? If so, we can help!
The Opinion Zone™
Strong opinions, hotly taken. It's your responsibility to share knowledge with folks but it's better to be nice about it.
Our first side-project. Listening to music with folks is fun; building a product based on listening to music with folks is less so.
Hello World
Origins. Describes how our collective unemployability gave Go Between it's start and how GitHub gave us it's name.